Run Jekyll (GitHub Pages) on Windows

Dec 12, 2015 • Thomas Ibel

Running Jekyll on Windows is not an easy task. There are several guides on the web how to setup Jekyll, but this involves to install Ruby and Python on your system. In short you will mess up your Windows installation with new tools in your PATH.

The other option is to use PortableJekyll. No messing up of the OS, just one folder containig everything needed. Unfortunately it contains the wrong versions for GitHub and it is huge (> 1.5 GB).

Jekyll for GitHub Pages

After some reading I found out that setting up a portable Jekyll environment is not so hard.


You have to download following:

  1. ruby 2.1.7
  2. DevKit 4.7.2
  3. libcurl 7.40
  4. Python 2.7.11


  1. create a new folder github-pages that will contain our new GitHub Pages environment
  2. extact ruby to github-pages and rename the created folder to ruby
  3. extact devkit to github-pages into a new devkit folder
  4. extract curl to github-pages and rename the created folder to curl
  5. execute msiexec /a python-2.7.11.msi in your download folder
  6. cut C:\Pyhton27 folder and paste it into github-pages and rename it to python


In your github-pages folder create a new text file setpath.cmd:

ECHO Adding Jekyll to PATH...

SET RUBY_PATH=%~dp0ruby
SET DEVKIT_PATH=%~dp0devkit
SET CURL_PATH=%~dp0curl
SET PYTHON_PATH=%~dp0python



Now we can install Jekyll and it’s dependencies:

  1. open a command prompt (cmd)
  2. execute setpath.cmd
  3. execute gem install github-pages
  4. execute gem install wdm


We are finished and can test our GitHub Pages compatible portable Jekyll setup.